Saturday, March 10, 2012


Every two years elected officials need Board of Review training. (BOR is when property owners can dispute their assessment). So every other year the Towns Association devotes 1/2 of their annual district meetings to that training. This morning the treasurer, a supervisor, and I traveled 70 miles to the nearest meeting. The conference room was packed to capacity - everyone wanted their certification. After the training, a lunch was served upstairs and we all filed out into various buffet lines. While the afternoon session had some interesting topics, this was the first day of 50 degree weather. Who wants to spend a sunny "warm" afternoon inside? Our little group decided that we got what we really required from this meeting and picked up our stuff to leave. From the number of people grabbing their coats and materials, many others had the same idea. I felt a pang of sympathy for those afternoon speakers who would have only a handful of people in the audience. (Fortunately, finally free the feeling flit.)

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