Thursday, March 08, 2012

Ruffed Grouse track

Town meeting tonight. All I had to eat today was candy and coffee since some of the last things I needed to get ready for the meeting took much longer than anticipated. When the board arrived, one of the members who uses "colorful language" suddenly got a dictate from me that I was sick of hearing such words and they would no longer be allowed at meetings and if he had any questions what words were unacceptable, I would let him know. (Where did that come from?) This is the month the township pays an appropriation to the library so it is free to anyone who lives here. The town chairman gripes about the amount every year. I had anticipated his complaint and the minute he started I slapped a graph in front of him showing how much the state gives the township to offset the cost and a breakdown of what it costs per person.   Either I have a lot of aggression to let out -or- I should switch to decaf.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should continue drinking whatever coffee you've been drinking! Good on ya.
