Thursday, March 08, 2012

Red and Blue Sunset

The herdsman had actually started coming in earlier for work. While still not on time, he was usually less than fifteen minutes late so I didn't have to call him. This morning, he hadn't shown yet by the time Mike arrived and we needed the herdsman to start. I walked outside and called his number. He answered after a few rings w/ a sleepy "Good Morning, I'll be there soon." I was speechless and just hung up. Don't know if it was that I actually had to wake him up or the "Good Morning" which he has never deigned to say to me under any circumstance. Afraid I lost it and yelled, "That Idiot!" as I walked back into the utility room. That felt so good I yelled it again, a little louder, and w/ a little jump for emphasis "THAT BLASTED IDIOT!" I hadn't realized Mike was still in the utility room and seemed a little startled. "He'll be here soon." I replied in my normal voice. "We can bring in the first group." I know. I'm old enough to have more self control. I'll work on it. (However, you might want to refrain from saying "Good Morning" to me for awhile.) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any thoughts on the geomagnetic solar storm happening today and tomorrow?
