Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Unknown (Havenese)

Library  duty tonight. Pretty quiet so I picked up the list of "lost books" and went looking. Found the list's only non-fiction entry fairly fast. They are often just misplaced on the shelf above or below where they should be. The other five were all Harlequins a/k/a bodice rippers. It seemed strange to me that these books were often on the "lost list". I thought the kind of person who would read them wouldn't stoop to stealing them. Checked the Western section, Young Adults section, Fiction section - not there. Harlequins are small paperbacks so there are spacers behind them. I pulled the books out and inside the spacers were books - lots of books. I found not only the remaining five on the "lost list" but thirteen more that no one has missed yet or have been deleted from the library's system because no one could find them. All in all, a successful night at the library.
A picture from Pete Valesano.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you haven't missed your calling. You sound like a detective. Would that pay more than milking or the library? Glad you enjoy your job. JVM