Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gracie (Weimaraner)

Not much going on at the library tonight. A lady came in and asked if I knew where the Patterson books were located. Didn't even need to look at the letter designations at the end of the aisles - I'm always returning Patterson books to the shelves.  She found what she wanted and came to the desk but said she didn't have a library card. I can't check out books w/o a card so I gave her a form to fill out and said I would put the books on the hold shelf. She could pick them up tomorrow along w/ her new card. Just then her companion arrived and he did have his card. Unfortunately, he had $20 in fees on his library account. I can't check out books to anyone w/ $10 or over in fees. Not a problem, the lady said and she gave me $11. Once I had taken that amount off, the account was down to $9 and I checked out her books to him.  Sometimes a little cooperation is needed to accomplish a task.

A picture from my brother, Phil.

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