Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ralphie (Miniature Poodle)

The blizzard from last night turned out to be short lived.  The skies cleared again and the temps dropped.  This morning the skid-loader the dairy uses to clean the cow stalls wouldn't start.  Seems the diesel fuel had more or less gelled in the cold.   Then a cow slipped in the holding pen.  She decided she didn't feel like getting up so we couldn't use the crowd gate to bring in the cows until the herdsman changed her mind.  With those issues and scrubbing the parlor today, I got home just after noon - cold and wet.  Hot showers:  God's gift to milk maids.
A picture from my friend, Kathy Novey.


Rachel said...

I heard that Friday AM temps would fall to -20. Good time to get out the silk long johns.

Kathy said...

Wow, now there's a handsome pup.