Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ice on White Birch Branches

My brother Brent asked if he could cut a burl off one of the trees. I said it was fine w/ me if it was fine w/ our brother Russell. Russell & Donna tap those trees for maple syrup in the spring and I didn't want to interfere w/ their plans. Russell & Brent went into the woods to check out the burl. It was on a hard maple (the kind that is tapped for the sap) but Russell pointed out that the tree was hollow and it would be best if they took the whole tree down before it blew over. So they cut the tree down and, after cutting the burl off, they sawed up the rest of the tree and split it for fire wood. A lot of work but Russell got some firewood and Brent got his burl.   Me?  I took a nap. 

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