Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Library Display

Library duty tonight.  The display case at the library had been empty for awhile.  When I'd stopped by on Saturday morning to check in on the new volunteer, one of the library board members was there and asked me if I didn't have something to put in the display cabinet.  I'm pretty sure he was joking but I ran w/ it and said sure.  Put in a collection of Lomonozov porcelain and wrote up a little placard explaining where the stuff comes from.  Figured would leave it there a month.  Talked to my neighbor, Mr. Dearhamer, who has a large collection of rocks about possibly putting some in the display for the next month.  Mrs. Dearhamer had ideas of other people we might ask to see if they would be interested in participating.  Think it'll be a lot of fun seeing what other people collect.


Anonymous said...

Very nice.


Sclark73 said...

Very excellent idea Susan!