Sunday, December 25, 2011

Aunt June

My brother, Brent, and I had an early morning discussion on if this was a "White Christmas".  I maintained it was since my driveway and the fields were white.  He claimed that meteorologists didn't consider it snow covered until there was an inch of the stuff everywhere.   Either way, it was pretty.  Bopped over to see Aunt June in the Nursing Home.  She was happy, as usual, and we checked out the bird room, hung some ornaments in her room, looked over the cards she had received, and the went out to the dining room for brunch.  When we got back home, we grabbed Indy and went on a long walk through the swamps.   Was fun to find the different tracks and figure out what animal it was and what they were doing.  Once home it was a nap for me and Brent got on the computer.  So, from the White (or Brown, depending on your definition) Northwoods, Merry Christmas to everyone. 

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