Friday, October 07, 2011

Out on a walk

Thursday after milking, Mike and I were scrubbing down the parlor.  Eric, the diary owner, was waiting for someone so decided to grab a bucket and a brush and help us until they arrived.  (You just have to respect an owner that could sit around while waiting but instead decides to help out his employees w/ an arduous and dirty job.)  Mike is 22 and engaged to be married next year.  Eric took this opportunity to give him marriage advice.  Eric asked if they are thinking of having children.  Mike seemed a little surprised at the question and just nodded.  Eric told him to change baby diapers when they are young because they really don't poop much yet.  When kids get older, Eric went on, you'll think you need a skid loader to clean everything up.  Eric also suggested that breast feeding is the way to go because, as the father, you don't have to get up as often in the night.   I kept my head down so no one could see my  struggle to keep from laughing out loud.  Mike tends to be a bit taciturn so I'm not sure what he made of all of these words of wisdom - just hope he doesn't get too much "advice" or he might decide not to get married at all.

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