Monday, October 10, 2011

Deadly Nightshade berries

Columbus Day is a non-celebrated holiday here.  (Not many Italians settled in the Northwoods.)  The federal offices, like the post office, close but I've never worked at a business that gave me Columbus Day off nor paid extra for working a holiday.  I can't find any Hallmark cards to send nor have I seen a tableau set up in parks of the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.   (Interesting that also in October is Halloween - a highly celebrated non-holiday.)  I personally wouldn't mind revamping Columbus Day.  Some places are changing over to renaming today as Indigenous Peoples Day or just calling it by the name of the native people of the area.  My motives for this change might be somewhat self-serving - because of my name, I could get into having a Sioux Day.


Anonymous said...

Not a bank holiday for me, although the Fed is closed. I like Sioux Day! As long as we are talking about tribal holidays, how about Kickapoo day! I seem to do a lot of that.


Anonymous said...

Well actually a lot of Italians did settle in the Northwoods. That is if you call the UP of Mich. the Northwoods. It is North of you somewhat and has lots of woods.
