Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Color

After this morning's milking, the owners planned a milker's training session.  Mike and I both arrived at the dairy extra early this morning and were ready when the herdsman got there to get going.  However, there were 9 cows to dry off and 3 others had calves so milking got behind.  I rushed through rinsing down the parlor and was in my seat when training began.  After the session the owners brought in pizzas.  I took a slice, went into the parlor, and started scrubbing.  Finished just as the second milking was going to start.  Decided I had 10 minutes to spare so helped Marisio w/ the first 16 cows.   Had been wanting to work w/ him and pick up some of his techniques.  Then I had to go.  Got home, showered, dressed and within 1/2 hour was at the library.  They were desperate for help so I said I would work that afternoon.  Some friends came in that I hadn't seen in awhile so caught up on gossip.  Once I was home again, immediately went out for a walk w/ Indy before sunset.  I'm still on the go tonight - thanks to adrenaline and a large cup of coffee.


Anonymous said...

Your pic is similar to ones I took Sept 23 in northern Wisc & Mich. Colors seem super vibrant and saturated this year. Very striking!

- Pete

Nancy said...

You have to love fall in Northern Wisconsin! Beautiful picture.