Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Eastern Bluebird and Ruby Throated Hummingbird

 I was sitting on the deck when a hummingbird buzzed by and then hovered over the flowers.  I rushed inside, got out a feeder that I had put away after Labor Day and filled it w/ sugar water.  I hadn't seen a hummingbird in about a month and thought they had all left.  Later I looked out and there were 3 bluebirds sitting on the stockade.   A yellow-rumped warbler was w/ them.  Both species had migrated from here long ago.
A cold front from Canada blew through last night and an even stronger one is due tonight.  Maybe these are birds that have summered farther north and are using the cold fronts to push them south.  I could do some research to see if that's a plausible explanation for these birds suddenly showing up.  However, a la Michelle Bachmann, why muddle up ideas w/ facts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is awesome about the hummingbirds. I have three or so still hovering around my feeders! One question though, do finches go south? Carolyn