Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly

Orion figured out the dog door.  In the summer I leave the doors from the house to the garage open.  Indy can go into the garage and out to her run through the dog door and Ori likes to prowl the garage for varmints.  When I got home from work, both Ori & Indy were in the house to greet me.  I took a shower, made lunch, had a nap, and then Indy and I went out on the deck.  I had no sooner sat down than Ori came padding over, crying to be picked up.  The only way she could have gotten out of the house was through the dog door - first time in the 4 years since I put the door in.  It's been a big week for Ori.  Two days ago she brought a small field mouse into the dining room for me to see.  I might have been more effusive of her feat if I hadn't suddenly realized that the mouse wasn't dead.

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