Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Dueling Ruby Throated Hummingbirds

Got to the dairy and the herdsman wasn't there.  OK, put my cell phone in my pocket - will probably have to call later to see if he's coming in.  Started set-up and found that the milking units wouldn't come out of CIP (Cleaning in progress) into milking mode.  Mike arrived and said a lightening strike yesterday had fried a part of the computer system so we manually put each milker into the proper mode.  Called the herdsman and he said he was on his way, go ahead and start.  However the display above each milking unit wouldn't show the cow's ID nor their milk weight.  Had to check carefully that each cow milked out completely.   Still once I got going, things settled into a regular rhythm.  Actually, even when I get peed and pooped on, I actually enjoy this job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture! I am trying to attract more hummingbirds my way. I have a butterfly bush which brings a couple my way but my feeder needs fixed so therein may be the problem.
