Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Special Town Board meeting tonight and the one thing on the agenda was the sale of town land to the ski hill.  This was just a meeting w/ the ski hill owners to see what terms both sides would consider.  Immediately following that meeting, the planning committee met and since the board was still there, showed them preliminary floor plans for the new town hall.  Well - it was one member's idea anyway.   I noticed that he was having the one office area double as a fire-proof room and storage room.  That meant the office would have no windows and it would stink (let's face it, old papers emit an odor).  He also was questioning why we would need a kitchen area in the new town hall.  It was already after my bedtime so I decided to just be happy we would finally have an indoor toilet and left.  Afterall, this won't be the last time we see these floor plans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Men just don't get it sometimes.