Thursday, July 14, 2011

Milkweed flowers

The pain in my hip was pretty bad this afternoon.  I'm dubious of these therapy sessions - seems to be getting worse.  I've been taking ibuprofen but it has no affect on me at all.  The therapist even put a patch on my thigh yesterday that was suppose to deliver a pain killer right at that spot but it was just as bad as before.  Decided just before the town meeting tonight to take what always works for me - Extra Strength Excedrin.  The only problem w/ the stuff is I get extremely happy when I take it.   So I was in a fantastic mood during the meeting.  Past my bedtime when the meeting broke up but decided I had the munchies so drove into town and ordered a pizza.  Since I had to wait for it to be made and couldn't sit still, I got into the car and drove around for awhile.  Came home, ate 1/2 the pizza, am still wide awake, and I feel GREAT!  All I can think is that if an over the counter drug has this kind of effect on me, it's a good thing I never got into the illicit stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some people think I'm nuts, but.
A few years ago I had some back pain, had an exray and nothing showed up. I came across a magnetic ankle bracelet and wore it a few times aand the pain was gone. Laugh if you wish, but the pain goes away and I'm not taking pills. (You can get the bracelets at flea markets for $10.) JVM