Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Have been having pain in my hip when I go up stairs so my doc gave me a referral to a physical therapist.  This afternoon was my first visit.  I've never been to a physical therapist.  Would I have to shuck all my clothes?  Would I get poked and prodded?  Would I have to run on a treadmill while a drill sergeant therapist yelled at me to suck it up?  I plucked up my courage, put on a brand new pair of underwear, comfy jeans & shirt and drove to the appointment.  As is often the case, not as bad as my imagination had painted.  Kept my clothes on, touching was kept to a minimum, and the therapist was quiet and competent.  Best of all, he said he found the muscle was  weaker on the left side than the right and thought that I would benefit from some exercises.   Sure, I have to go back again in a week so he can evaluate my progress but now that I know what to expect, I can do so w/ less trepidation.  Unless the second appointment is w/ the drill sergeant.

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