Monday, June 13, 2011


I've got a house guest for the week, Lacey.  She's a golden lab and her pack leader is out of town for the week.  She is a pretty young thing that thinks there is nothing more fun that retrieving a ball.  I've added another dimension to the game by throwing the ball into the tall grass.  Sometimes she has to spend time looking for it and all I can see is her tail waving above a sea of green.  She hasn't lost the ball yet!  There is a negative side to having her here.  Indy will not tolerate her inside the house and barely outside.  I think, in time, she might be more friendly but can't take the chance on her hurting our guest.  So I'm keeping them separate.  I exercise them separately too which means I'm getting twice the usual work-out.  I'll sleep well tonight.


Brent said...

So which one has to sleep in the dog house, ha. Must be a challenge to keep them apart.

Love the pic.

Anonymous said...

This is a great picture! Where did you see these guys?