Monday, June 06, 2011

Eastern Kingbird

Lisa, the intern, and I were milking  this morning when I smelled something like hot electronics.  I looked up at the console board.  Above each milker is a light - steady green means everything is working correctly, blinking red means there is a problem.  Everything was OK.  I smelled it again on the next cow and I knew what it was.  I looked over at Lisa and asked, "Are they singeing udder hair this morning."  "Yes," she replied, "Smells like burnt popcorn to me."  To keep the udder hair short so each cow stays clean, the herdsman moves through the herd every month and passes a "cool" propane flame quickly over udders w/ long hair effectively "flame clipping" the hair.  It doesn't bother the cows at all.  As I was rinsing down the parlor after milking, the herdsman came in, flame still burning from the propane tank wand.  The devilish desire to spray the wand (and the herdsman) w/ the jet hose washed over me.  Nah ... w/ age comes self-control.

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