Saturday, June 18, 2011

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

I don't walk in the swamps unless Indy is with me.  She's my protector. As I walked along the trail today, a little leopard frog suddenly leaped out of my way.  I gave a startled "Ooh" and Indy was there immediately, jumping into the bushes after the frog.  A little later on, I must have trespassed on a green darner dragonfly's territory because it flew up and buzzed me twice.  Again I responded w/ a surprised "Ooh" and Indy was right at my side again.  I explained it was a insect that attacked me but she just gave me a mystified look.  I was taking a picture of honeysuckle when two Canadian Tiger Swallowtail butterflies flew out.  No sound from me this time but Indy watched w/ me as the two butterflies noticed each other and started fighting.  So you can understand when  I might face leopards, tigers, or even dragons in the swamp,  having Indy along makes me feel safe.

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