Monday, June 20, 2011

12-Spotted Skimmer dragonfly

Just finished King Abdullah II of Jordan's book "Our Last Best Chance."  To tell the truth, I'd only picked it up at the library to tide me over until some books I really wanted to read came in.  Figured I could just stop reading this one when the others arrived.  Surprisingly, it turned out to be pretty good on it's own.  Much of the book was about his life but w/ an emphasis on issues concerning the Arab-Israel conflict.  I don't always follow his logic or agree w/ his conclusions, however, to chance to see the problem from an Arab point of view was fascinating.  A book that makes you sit back and think. 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Enjoy the summer solstice if you can. The longest day of the year is going to be rainy in Madison. No point going camping. :(