Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Large-flowered Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)

Stopped by to see Aunt June today. Yesterday, she received a book about her life written by Gracee, the 8 year old who had interviewed her a few weeks ago.  It was great and Aunt June loved the pictures.  She pointed to a recent photo of her and asked if that was her mother.  "No," I replied.  "That's you."  She looked up at me, "But I look so old."  What to reply?  "You are 90 years old.  Soon to be 91.  You are an old lady." I said truthfully.  "That's not something to be sad about.  You should be happy you've made it so far."  She viewed me somewhat sceptically.  "Look at it this way.  You can be happy or you can be sad.  Happy is the way to go."  She smiled, her eyes crinkling at the edges, and agreed.  We spent the rest of the visit going through her book again, laughing, and talking.  Yes... happy is definitely the way to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheila found trillium blooming in our back woods the other day. She had planted some a couple of years ago, we put a cage around them, etc. They just did not seem to do well and did not show up at all last year. They are back.
