Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can you find the Arachnid?

I don't mind bumper stickers w/ religious sentiments or an e-mail address made up of Bible book-chapter-verse.  I assume that the owners want you to see these Godly reminders and contemplate their meaning.  However, it is a huge responsibility that they undertake.  In the big city, I can't tell you how many times in traffic I was cut off by "Jesus Loves You" and I saw "Are you ready for Eternity" make a rather rude gesture.  Received an e-mail from that was more of a walking-through-the-valley than rod-and-staff-comforting type message (they calmed down later).  So to anyone who is contemplating passively advertising your Christianity - remember - actions speak louder than words.


Anonymous said...

My favorite one is..."in the event of the Rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned". Suppose unwomaned is not a real word.


Anonymous said...

On the leaf closest to the water.
