Monday, April 25, 2011

Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Haven't been able to use the new steamer at work all month.  The herdsman thought it would be good to use it to clean out the small vet room late last month.  The circuitry at the electrical outlet fried.  I secretly blamed him though there was no reason to suppose he was using it improperly.  He openly blamed me saying I had looked into the vet room while he was cleaning and immediately after I left, it burned out (witchcraft?)   Anyway, it's working again now and we gave the parlor a good cleaning.  I was so tired that once I got home and had taken a shower, I fell asleep on top of the bed.  My hair is now totally unmanageable and standing straight up.  It looks like it could benefit from a steaming itself.

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