Couldn't stand it any longer. I'm so hungry to see some green growing thing (besides conifers and lichen) that I bought seeds. I know it's too early to even start squash and pumpkin inside. However I had to plant something or burst! I picked up a packet of catnip and one of cat grass. Brent had given me a metal tray w/ sides and I had a bunch of small clay pots. (By the way: If you ever are offered free clay pots, take them. They have a myriad of uses.) I put seed starter in 6 of them, planted 3 w/ catnip and 3 w/ cat grass, nestled them into the metal tray, and carefully added water. I'll put it in the sun and watch it grow. I feel satisfied and Ori, who has a bit of cabin fever also, will have a nice surprise in a little while. We are under a storm watch tonight and tomorrow. It's OK - let it snow.
Yes, something green would be a little sign that Spring will come again. Can't wait.
For some odd reason I am seeing glimpes of Grandma Pearl in you. JVM
This picture should be in a frame. Beautiful.
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