Thursday, March 10, 2011

Barred Owl

A picture from my nephew, Gideon.  For those of you eating breakfast, I cropped the original picture to edit out what the bird is having for breakfast.

The town board meeting was probably the shortest on record for the township - 6 minutes.  The first supervisor was working in a different state and the second supervisor had just been taken to the hospital.  The chairman opened the meeting but w/o a quorum of at least 2 board members, he couldn't do much.  He called the first supervisor on my phone and they talked while he opened bids (it needed to be done before mid-month) and they accepted the highest bid.  Then they went through the bills and OK'd payment.  The rest of the agenda will have to wait.  Meeting adjourned.


Brent said...

Love those short meetings - what a hoot. Except for the supervisor having to be at the hospital. Hope nothing too serious?

Kathy said...

OK, what was it eating?