Thursday, February 03, 2011

Y - Elm tree

-3 degrees F when I walked into work this morning.  Cold enough that the new herdsman said to shake the cow's teats before they left the parlor so that the last drop of post-dip didn't freeze as the cows walked back to the barn.  After milking, Mike & I scrubbed down the parlor and I went home.  There are a few good things about living on your own and one of them is that if you feel tired & cold you can take the whole afternoon off and go back to bed.  No one will wake you to ask if you are feeling OK or wonder why the dishes weren't washed.  Indy understood completely and jumped up next to me on the bed.  Ori eventually joined in and we all took a long winter's nap.  I made a cup of Russian tea when I woke up  - just in case I was coming down w/ a cold.  Tomorrow will be warmer.  Next week - well - looks like we'll be shaking teats again.

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