Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Golden Barrel Cactus

A picture from my brother, Phil.

Carol, the dairy owner, stopped by this morning.  The cow, Brando, was having problems giving birth - her uterus was twisted around the calf.  The problem could be fixed by turning the calf, but which direction?  There was a 50/50 chance that they would need to do a C-section on the cow and the vet had already been called.  I was milking w/ Lisa, the intern, and I could tell she was antsy about seeing the operation.  Finally, she looked over at me and asked if I would mind if she went to the barn to watch.  What kind of ogre would I be if I said no?  She took off immediately but was back in only 5 minutes.  The calf had been turned successfully and they wouldn't be doing an operation.  Good news for Brando.  Lisa seemed a little down though.

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