Wednesday, December 29, 2010

White Birch bark

That time of year to consider how I did on those resolutions that I made last year. I do remember two of them.

I checked to see how many library books I read this year - a little over 50 again. As I had resolved, instead of all murder mysteries, the list also includes some bios, histories, classics, and humor.

My goal for this year at the dairy was to keep the outside of the vacuum hoses clean. Each milker has two vacuum hoses feeding it and they are melded together so a cross section of them would look like a figure "8". The indentation on either side tends to fill up w/ gunk which doesn't just wash off. I changed a couple of cleaning procedures and the hoses still look pretty good. Good enough that Carol, the owner, noticed and asked how they were staying so clean.

Note that the resolutions I remember are the ones I kept. It's those resolutions I didn't attain that seem to have slipped my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was "monstrous" (another inside family joke) that you kept at least two resolutions
