Friday, December 24, 2010


When I was in high school, I had gotten a list of the 100 books you should read before going to college and had done my best to get through all of them. I probably skipped Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott because I thought it was about knights, chivalry, and damsel's in distress. Not high on my interest scale. When I found it had come out recently on CD, thought I ought to give it a try. Turns out there is a reason some books become classics. Sure, there are knights in this story but most of them are the bad guys. Yes, there are damsel's in distress but they seem to be able to hold their own when it comes to a battle of wits. The book is a down & dirty tale of how it was to live in the dark ages (well, how I think it was. I'm not that old.)

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