Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shelving Tooth mushrooms (Climacodon septentrionale)

Stopped off to visit w/ Aunt June this morning. Found her in the exercise room. An instructor was about to take her and four other ladies through their morning exercises. The nurse said she would get June out of the class but I asked the instructor if I could stay and participate. I figured this would be a piece of cake. How hard can exercises for 90 year olds be? Was doing OK until we got to the sitting leg lifts. Guess my hip injury hasn't fully healed yet. Then we got to the shoulder lifts. Another twinge of pain told me my neck muscle was still on the mend too. Class continued for 1/2 hour - no one complained, every one did the regimen. Guess if you can make it to the ripe age of 90, you are made of pretty stern stuff.

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