Friday, November 05, 2010

Monarch Butterfly

Had the hoofer in at the dairy again. He sets up his caravan-type shop in the middle of the barn and right after they are milked, the cows that need some attention to their hoofs are funnelled into a waiting pen for him. The cows can see him, smell him, and hear the sound of his instruments (which sound a little like a dentist's). They don't like the hoofer. He's a nice man but I'm not too wild about him myself. The cows didn't want to move - figuring that if they could just stay put the hoofer would eventually go away - and it was difficult to get them to come into the parlor. Once they were in the parlor, some were so concerned that they wouldn't give milk. Had to put many milking machines on manual override. Finally, it's in a cow's nature that if they are frightened, they poop and a cow can poop a lot. Clean up took extra long. The owner's are trying to catch up on the back-log so the hoofer is due back next month. After that, we should be able to get back to a regular schedule of seeing him just once a quarter. Yeah!

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