Friday, October 29, 2010

A message from Hogwarts?

A picture from my friend, Kathy Novey.

Received a booklet on invasive plant species for our state at the Town's Assn last night. I leafed through it during some of the more boring moments in the meeting (my attention span is severely limited) and saw they had a page on Water Hemlock. Water Hemlock is indigenous to this area and not particularly invasive that I've noticed. Sure it's the most poisonous plant in North America but if being noxious is the criteria for listing a plant, why not also have a page on Poison Ivy (my personal bane). Guess I have a soft spot in my heart for the Water Hemlock's pretty umbel of white flowers and the way just mentioning it's name makes my brother, Brent, peer suspiciously at the food I put on his plate.

1 comment:

Brent M said...

I like to see you take the first bite of your food before I eat any just to make sure. Ha.