Friday, September 17, 2010

Horsehair Mushrooms (Marasmius rotula)

No one was at the dairy when I arrived around 4:45 this morning but Mike walked in and went to the barn a few minutes later. When there still wasn't anyone else after we had finished our respective set-ups, I met him 1/2 way in the holding pen. "2nd group?" he asked. "Yes." I replied. A few years ago this would sometimes happen when he & I were the only ones on-site and protocol was to start w/ the 2nd group of cows. The first group, the hospital cows, need 2 milkers. By the time I finished w/ the 2nd group, someone would have shown up to help w/ the 1st group. I was a little over 1/2 way through the 2nd group when Eric, the owner, bustled in and said I should have called him. I explained that we had started w/ the 2nd group. He said that was good but if it ever happens that no one shows up at the beginning of milking, to call him, and he bustled out to the barn. Carol, the other owner, then came in. She was surprised I hadn't called her. I said I tried not to call them unless there was an emergency. "Call me no matter what the problem," she said and she left to check on the calves. The new herdsman, Scott, came rushing in. He had overslept. "Call me if I'm not here in the morning," he said. "I don't know your number." I replied. "I'll write it on the white board in the utility room." he said. Guess Mike & I will be making some calls next time no one shows up.


Anonymous said...

Don't know much about mushrooms. Are these edible?


Anonymous said...

Neat Fall photo!

Sounds like the Dairy needs to post their operational policies and procedures, along with prioritized list of phone #'s. They're fortunate to have a responsible and dependable employee like yourself!

- Pete

SRM said...

Becky - these mushrooms fall into the category of "you can eat them, but you'll wish you hadn't."
Pete - The dairy does have operational procedures but like many businesses is sometimes lax updating them when situations change.