Friday, July 30, 2010

White Lettuce (Prenanthes alba)

Not much wind, it wasn't raining, forest fire risk was low (according to the sign outside the DNR office). Got out the tripod grill that hangs over an open fire (Thank you again, Russ & Donna) and started up Ragnarok. Put a wrapped baking potato near the fire and a steak on the grillwork. Indy, who had been hopping and searching through the tall grass, settled down to sit by me and watch the fire (think the smell of beef might have had something to do w/ it also). We had a nice meal outside. Could hear a pair of Sandhill Cranes off in a nearby field (if you have never heard them, they are loud) and watched a Clouded Sulphur (this butterfly bet has taught me a lot) flit among the wild flowers in the tall grass. A peaceful end to the week.

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