Saturday, July 03, 2010

Bee on Red Clover

The forecast was for a hot humid day so I took Indy out for a walk at 6:00 a.m. She could have a nice long workout before it got too hot for her (and me.) We were almost out of the swamp when she dashed ahead and started barking. Sure enough, out of the foliage and up a tree popped a bear cub. At the base of the tree, mom was standing on her hind legs to get a look at us. I called Indy back and snapped on her leash. Guess I am jaded to the sight of bears now or was tired enough not to want to retrace my steps back, that we didn't leave. Just waited her out until she called down the cub and melted back into the woods. We were well past the spot before I let Indy back off her leash.

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