Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The bathroom at the dairy is a clean, neat room in the corner of the utility area. It's roof doesn't go all the way up to the ceiling of the utility area so there is storage on top of it. To reach anything stored there, you need to climb a short ladder. Yesterday, the herdsman said he was on the ladder and fell. Either the ladder, the herdsman, or the box he was retrieving must have hit the bathroom door handle since, later, Mike was temporarily locked in when the handle wouldn't move. The herdsman told me about it this morning but said not to worry. He fixed the door handle so that wouldn't happen again. I didn't think much of it until the milking was done and I went into the utility room to retrieve my car keys. The bathroom door has a hole where the handle used to be. The bathroom is literally now "a room with a view". I think the door needs a little more "fixing".

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