Sunday, March 04, 2018

Frosty View

At church this morning the pastor kicked off a program called 'Faith@Home".  The  sermon was unconventional in that a short film was shown, various pastors got up to talk about different aspects of the program and another short film presenting helpful resources.  Everything was going well - until.  The pastor asked the ushers to pass out folders to everyone in the pews to fill out.  No names necessary but the pastors wanted us to check off boxes in the folders concerning  issues we were facing in our current home situations and return them to the ushers.  The sections in the folder were 'My Future Marriage', 'My Marriage', My Children/Grandchildren'.  That's when it dawned on me that this church doesn't consider me part of a 'home'.  I searched through the pamphlet and found I wasn't even covered under a 'Special Situations' section.  Haven't been this angry since I was at another church and received a hand-out labeled "Job Descriptions for Females in the Church". 


Anonymous said...

This is a church who can't think outside their own little 'bubble'

Anonymous said...

Pastors don't always live in the real world. They alienate many in the congregation and I think it is a chief reason many stop going to church and they just have church at home. I have heard these same feelings from my women friends who are single, widowed, or divorced. I don't suppose they have Evangelical Free churches close to you but I found them to be the most inclusive and loving of churches when I was divorced.
