Tuesday, October 10, 2017

First Frost

I filled in at the library this afternoon (yeah, I know, that blog entry from yesterday is easier said than done).  As small talk to the  patrons coming in I'd mention that it was First Frost last night.  Everyone knew what I was talking about and seemed happy that it had finally happened.  Not precisely sure why Northerners look forward to it but we do - it's like a holiday w/ no stress.  Joyous First Frost also heralds the beginning of  Deer Hunting Crap season.  Indy and I have been taking after dark walks nightly.  Both of us kinda enjoy seeing the country in a different light (so to speak).   Tonight we were "shined".  "Shining" is when bozos drive down the road and shine an incredibly bright light into the fields to see if they can find deer grazing. Tonight they found Indy and me.  I'm planning on breaking into their homes tomorrow morning and waking them up w/ a flashlight - either w/ a light in their face or a swipe upside their head.  OK, most of that is against the law but I'd be acquitted if deer were allowed on juries.

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