Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sun Pillar

After work yesterday, Indy and I took off for as long a walk as we could take and still stay on my land.  Gun season starts today and we are stuck staying near the house in open land for the next nine days.  This morning about an hour before sunrise, we ventured out around Gorgeous Gorge.  Before noon, a short walk through the hay field next to the house. Afternoon's walk was along the mowed paths through the meadow.  Well after dark Indy and I picked our way down to the end of the driveway to right the garbage can the winds had blown over.  The winds howled around the house all last night and all of today.  So cold that there is still some of the snowfall we received last night here and there.  I can see lights on the ski hill tonight - they are making snow.

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