Monday, April 25, 2016

Wood Anemone

Raining hard in the morning yesterday. Yippee, a day off walking. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy walking once I get going but I wouldn't mind taking a day off. In the afternoon, the rain stopped. Indy and the Fitbit on my arm stared up at me expectantly. I put on hiking boots, blue jeans, and t-shirt and we took off. There had been a lot of rain and the ground was saturated. It didn't take long before water again filled my hiking boots. Decided to take a new path that goes though the edge of a field next to the road. I rarely took this route in the past when a more active Indy would take off after anything that moved. In her old age, Indy has become more responsive to the command, "Stay w/ me". Then the rain started up again. This path isn't easy. I scraped my arm along blackberry canes and the last part is an uphill slog over hidden rocks and depressions. Every time I heard a car coming on the road, I'd wipe my arm off. The rain made the little bleeding from my scrapes look like my whole arm was covered in blood. I didn't want a car stopping to see if I needed help. Of course both Indy and I were soaking wet and dirty. Hard to believe anyone would elect to let us into their car!

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