Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Corn Field


There are many days when I don't go off the property at all.  When I do have errands I try to group them all together in one trip.  Today, though, it was three separate trips into the village.   At 10:45 was my semi-annual teeth cleaning.    Again I will sing the praises of a water-pic.   Before I started using one, these sessions consisted of a lot of sharp picks, scraping, and blood.  Now the hygienist, who lives in my town, and I spend much of the time talking about elections and other town government issues.  She said she has one patient who only wants to talk politics.   He tells everyone his stance and why they need to agree w/ him.   The dentist, she said, could hear him from his office.  She laughed when I told her my rule of not ticking off anyone holding sharp instruments.   My second trip was to pick up mail at the post office.  I received notice just before I left for the dentist that two boxes were waiting for me.  I didn't have time to pick them up before my appointment and afterwards the post office window was closed for lunch break.  Drove back to town later and the post mistress handed me two large boxes.  She said the UPS guy didn't understand why people would want their boxes left at the post office instead of having him deliver them to their door.  She explained to him it was up to the shipper (Amazon in this case) on which delivery method was deemed cheaper.  Personally, I'd rather have my packages in a secure, dry, warm location even if it means another trip for me.  The meeting I wanted to attend started at 4 but the post office closes at 2:30.   So I drove into town again.  The Library Board meeting is an open meeting but I've never attended before.  This turned out to be a good one to go to.   Lego Club meets once a month at the library during the school year.  It's very popular.  There had lately been rumors that Lego Club wouldn't be offered this year and in this meeting that is exactly what the board decided to do - though not for the rumored reasons.  If the subject comes up in the future, I can explain the real reason the Library Board ended Lego Club.   They did suggest the librarian push the Family Legos option - where families come to the library at any time and play w/ the multiple containers of Lego parts on-hand.   

Monday, September 09, 2024

Hawthorn Berries

 Met Friend Nancy for breakfast in Churchville.  Then went grocery shopping at my new fav grocery store.  Great time to go since not many people are out shopping that early plus I was full from breakfast so could pass by those 'extras' that look so inviting.   Then went to the County Seat to get my 3 month supply of drugs.  The pharmacy is located inside the old grocery store which has now closed.  In both places - the new grocery store and the pharmacy - I was able to get the closest parking spot available.  In both cases that was still a bit of walking distance from the front door.  The empty parking spaces between me and the front door were marked as parking for disabled, specific spots for military veterans,  for pregnant women, for senior citizens (I don't necessarily like being called a senior citizen so refuse to use those parking spots.)  The spots reserved go on and on - Compact Cars, Hybrid/Electric cars, Employee of the Month, Curbside Pickup Only.  I kinda wish there were only an Accessibility area and a Reserved area.  Accessibility for Disabled people and a Reserved area for anyone else that is 'special'.  Think it would be a more efficient way of allocating the parking spaces.  Of course, might be fun if a business occasionally made some new reserved parking spots: 'Reserved for those who take their dog everywhere they go', 'Reserved for those spending over $100', 'Reserved for those having a bad hair day', 'Lamborghini Parking Only', 'Park It Here', 'Frog Parking - All Others Will be Toad'.  Would bring more people in (at least as far as their parking lot) just to see what signs are up for the day ... and who is parking there.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Swenson Red Grapes

Morning temp was 39 degrees outside.  This is a temporary dip in temps but a reminder that first frost probably isn't too far away.  Best get going on fall activities.  One is to clean out the bird houses.   For this I need three things:  (1) grabbed a weed puller my sister gave me.   Truth be told most weeds I just consider as flowers I'm not yet familiar with.  The weed puller though is the perfect tool to clean out bird houses, (2) jumped in Jormungandr since it's faster than walking and I can toss the cleaned PVC houses in the back, and (3) whistled for Whip to come w/ because everything goes better w/ a dog.  On the wood houses I used the tool to rake out used nesting material and left the doors open.  Winter winds will scour them clean.   After the fat mouse incident, all of the PVC houses come back to be stored inside until next spring.  Once we had picked up the last houses on my neighbor's land, Whip and I took off along the trails to check out how far autumn has progressed.  No trees have turned yet - fields are still in bloom w/ goldenrod and asters.  Didn't find any low places that might have been frost touched.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Turkey Vulture

I'd forgotten I had a hair appointment this morning.  Fortunately I had put an alarm on my phone so I made the appointment w/ time to spare.   I don't ask for a particular beautician but always get Andrea.  Today Andrea was returning phone calls and it was someone new that beckoned me to sit down at her chair.  This beautician had burgundy hair on one side, teal colored hair on the other and called me 'dear'. (Note: I hate being referred to as 'dear' but she was holding a scissors near my face.  I let it go.)  She asked how I would like it cut and I gave her my usual bare minimum instructions and to do the rest so it 'matched'.  As she cut and talked I realized she was new in this profession.   I am clueless about cosmetology:  Do they have exams on layering? Are courses graded on a pass/fail basis?  Are there seminars on how to make banal conversation while working?    To top things off the stylist wasn't in a good mood.  She reached behind her and brushed a hand mirror onto the floor.  Had to stop for a moment to sweep up the pieces.  Twice she mentioned that it's so hard to get anything done right when working at this village.  This is a satellite location from the main stylist offices at the County Seat - however anyone in business knows enough not to be derogatory about a place in front of it's residents.  When she finished she asked how I liked what she had done.   I said it looked OK (I was just getting a trim so didn't feel the need to gush.)  She then explained Andrea would want to check her work before I left.  When Andrea was free she brushed her hand through my hair in a few places to see how it fell.  She noticed an errant strand of hair that stuck up and showed my stylist how to trim it so it would prefer to lay down.   I paid and was out of there.  I'd kinda forgotten how much touching there is during a simple haircut.  When I got home I grabbed Whip and we went out nosing through the fields for awhile.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

King Bird

 Excerpts from Sheriff's Report:

6:47 a.m. - Caller looking for private investigators.  He resides in nearby state but ex lives here.  Dispatch advised they don't have any information on that sort of thing.

11:03 a.m. - Caller states he is tired of neighbor coming to his house complaining about things.  Would like officer to talk to woman and tell her not to come to his house any more.

9:43 a.m. - Person in Law Enforcement Lobby to speak with deputy.  Believed she'd been in touch with Johnny Depp the actor who promised to buy her a house.  Her mother told her this is a scam and to contact law enforcement.  

1:15 p.m. Caller asked to speak with a deputy regarding his neighbors recording caller's animals.  Officer spoke with person and told him neighbors can record him from their property or public space.  Is protected by First Amendment of U.S. Constitution.  Suggested he build a fence.

4:22 p.m. - Caller has two chainsaws with covers in the back of his truck that do not belong to him.  Doesn't know how they got there.  Will bring them to the Law Enforcement Center.

4:24 p.m. - Caller states several juveniles following him with their vehicles.  He believes five or six vehicles followed him from Milwaukee to intimidate him on his ex-wife's request.  None of the vehicle drivers confronted him, he says he recognized one from the Milwaukee area.  Officer told him it's highly unlikely five or six juveniles would drive 10 hours round trip just to harass him.  He was encouraged to avoid them and to forward their license plate numbers when he has them.

4:25 p.m. - Reporting party having issues with getting car keys back for his father's vehicle that he is using to commute to work.  Car registered to father but is still at his ex's house.  Call made to ex who states she didn't know where keys are.  She was informed if she drives car she could be charged with theft.  She will drop off keys at law enforcement center.

4:32 p.m. - Caller states a worker at the library followed their child home accusing them of stealing from library.  Is upset with library due to them not wanting children there.  Complainant called back, talked to library president.  They worked out the issue.  [fyi: this was a different library - not where I volunteer.]

6:13 p.m. - Hospital ER asking for deputy to check welfare of male who is on probation and has ankle monitor.  Male was walking around naked and picking his skin.  Took a cocktail of prescription meds and is not making sense.

8:08 p.m. - Caller states suspicious activity with a male and female at the horse barn at the county fairgrounds.  Officer checked area but did not locate.

10:18 p.m. - Caller requesting female standing at end of driveway be sent on her way.  Female took an Uber from Minneapolis after being removed from property earlier this week.  Recently broke up with caller's son.  Female left before officer arrived.

11:27 p.m. - Traffic stop for defective head lamp.  Driver initially appeared to be a sovereign citizen as he refused to identify himself and made other comments sovereign citizens typically make.  He screamed at officer calling him a pig, told him he pays his salary, and that he doesn't like cops.  Warning issued for a defective head lamp.

12:57 p.m. - Caller states they are out of state.  Items stolen from her house.  Is upset her grandmother allowed people to clean up.  Believes items of hers were stolen.  Hasn't been to house in months and has no proof of ownership.


Looked at my e-mail this morning and there was an invite to a 50-year graduation reunion at the university.  Actually it's a 50+ reunion but this is the first year I am eligible to attend.  I can still remember those 8 a.m. physics classes - why they were always the earliest I never did understand.  I remember studying in the library though my fav spot was a small room just off the profs offices where they provided free coffee for us - that's when I developed my coffee habit.   I remember going down to the computer complex and submitting my stack of computer cards.  (Yes, I'm that old.)    I remember the walking bridge over the river that in mid-winter had to be the coldest place in the state.  I remember the wonderful old house where I lived for my junior and senior years.  Guess it's just one of those little mysteries of life that I can't remember the name of the book I just finished reading and occasionally I still pull out my car fob thinking I need a key to start the car.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Lilacs are reblooming

We are in a string of very nice weather so I'm taking advantage of it to wash and put away Summer.  That means daily I do a load of wash including some of the yellow coverings for the window seats, the yellow dish cloths/hot pads/dish towels, yellow throws, or yellow rugs.  They are then hung out on the line to dry before being folded and put away in the window seat dedicated to Summer stuff.    After washing and hanging out today's 'summer', it was time for errands.  Filled all of my three gas cans at the gas station, made an appointment to get the oil changed in the car, and picked up my mail.  Dropped off recyclables, picked up more coffee beans, and a couple cushy autumn-themed rugs for the kitchen.  Won't be too long before I'll need to take the geraniums off the deck and put them in Sleipnir.  Picked up tongue depressors (well, they look like tongue depressors) to write flower colors on.   Now while the geraniums are still blooming I can write the flower color on each wood piece and stick it in the plant.  Will make life easier when I repot them in the spring.  The nearest grocery store is closing.  It had been progressively depressing going in there - empty shelves, fewer choices of what was left, questionable produce.  I liked the store because I knew where everything was located - even wrote out my grocery list in the order of where it was in the store.  Lately what I couldn't find at the grocery store I'd pick up at Walmart.   There is a grocery store here in Churchville.   Decided to stop in and pick up something.     This store is well laid out and I surprisingly found everything I needed quickly.  This might be my new go-to for groceries.   On the way out of town I got a burger and ate it in a little park overlooking the lake.  Change can be good.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Agricultural Drone

Had forgotten that this was a holiday weekend.  Should probably pick up a frozen pizza.  Since I was going out anyway, I threw (make that carefully placed) the camera on the passenger seat to take pics of new barn quilts on the way.  The road into town cuts through a flat field.   Hit the brakes as a very big drone passed me in the field to the right.  It flew up to the end of the soybean row, didn't enter a part of the field planted in corn, and then returned back in the direction it had come.  This was no hobby drone - this was an ag drone fitted with a liquid reservoir.  We had a significant rain earlier in the week and the weather has been mild since.  Doubt it was watering.  Might be spraying insecticide or herbicide.   I didn't see anything coming out of it but it could be programmed to only spray under certain conditions.  Could also be spraying nutrients - again only if it saw sparsely covered areas.  Could also just be doing aerial reconnaissance for the farmer to check the crop status.  Didn't see where the drone's handlers were located so I finally drove on.  Got pics of four barn quilts, picked up a pizza, filled the car w/ gas, and headed back home.  The drone was still working but in another soybean field.  I don't like drones.  They are noisy, intrusive, and frighten wildlife.  This kind though I might be OK with.  It's too expensive to fly anywhere frivolously - it'll only be low over open fields.  It's built to perform very specialized functions - the operator will be experienced (and hopefully mature).

Friday, August 30, 2024

Fluorescent Rocks

We made it to the Fair!   First stop - the Hippodrome so I could pick up a rock.  I started buying rocks each Fair visit probably back in the '80s.  This time I was influenced by Kathy's Christmas gift to me and the new room divider.  I chose two fluorescent rocks (yooperlite and ruby in fuschsite) and a large cherry quartz sphere.  Afterward we walked up through the Fair til we arrived at the DFL tent.  Kathy wanted to see what was going on and buy pins.  I sat down at an outside bench near a lady in a wheelchair.  She too was waiting for someone waiting in line.  Great - a captive audience.  I  pulled out the rocks I'd just purchased, unwrapped them, and explained the characteristics of each to her.  She seemed amused as she would hand one rock back to me as I proffered her another.  We then talked about the upcoming election.  She said she was still deciding about how to vote.  When her husband and daughter returned they pinned a DFL button on her.   She gave me a wink saying, "That's what they think." and they were off.  Kathy returned and we walked on up through the Fair streets to the Northwoods furniture site  We had found this location at the Fair one year and I'd liked their outside furniture.  Turned out their store is just North of me in Lumberjackville.    Since then I've ordered a piece of furniture every year here (I get the Fair discount that way).  This year it was to be a picnic table.  They had one like I saw on-line off to the side so I sat at it - didn't like it.  Had to pass, however, a smaller square table on the way there with benches around it.  I tried sitting at that one.  Liked that table a lot and think it will fit together w/ another table I already have.  Ordered it and one bench (can pick up more benches in the future).    We did a few more activities, watched some dog training (Whip can do most of that stuff), and bought some dog treats.   Before sunset we were on the bus headed back to the hotel.  Another successful Fair excursion.  Kathy and Stan are staying in town for a few more days and will probably go again but I returned home the next morning.  The Fair is my last summer activity - I'm ready now for autumn.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Theater Lobby


Plan B was to invert the day.   My body tolerates a half day of Fair activity way better than a whole day.  We had originally planned on leaving the Fair mid-day and going to a movie in the afternoon.  A quick check showed the movie started showing at 11:30 a.m.  Early enough to see the movie first and still have time for the Fair.  This option sounded even better when Stan, Kathy's husband, texted from the bus terminal.  He'd decided to leave as soon as the Fair reopened.  He let her know that the line for the bus snaked out of the terminal area.  Kathy and I drove to my absolute favorite theater - it was built w/ a 'Neptune theme'.  Why anyone would do that in the Northwoods I'm not sure but you buy tickets at a station w/ a Medusa head looking down at you.  Inside you go past larger than life statues of Neptune and Amphitrite flanked by naiads.  We saw Alien: Romulus.  That time of day we had the place to ourselves so sat in the best viewing seats.  Was prepared to be scared witless but the movie didn't seem as frightening or on-the-edge-tense as the other's in the series.  Maybe 'cause I've seen it all before?   Didn't help that I couldn't buy the way the planet's rings were depicted - bothered me each time they were on camera.   After the movie finished, we were off to the bus terminal, jumped on a bus (which wasn't crowded at all in the afternoon), and at last were on our way to the fair.  So far Plan B was going very well.  To be continued ...

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sunset before the Storm

 I and friend Kathy were on the express bus to the State Fair at 7 a.m.  We had a great parking place near the terminal and good seats on the bus.  There had been a storm the night before and a forecast for a bit more rain around mid morning.  Great! - would probably mean fewer people choosing to do the Fair today.  Then someone w/ a yellow vest got on the bus and announced the Fair was delaying it's opening due to storm cleanup still going on.  Worse - we would all have to disembark.  We stood in a line at the bus terminal - no info was available on when the Fair might reopen.  Another bus pulled up w/ Fair goers that had got on their bus at another terminal.  They too had to disembark here until the Fair opened up.  Not much info on the Fair website but people in line that had friends/family working at the Fair said straight line winds had taken down limbs, overturned porta-potties and trash cans, one small business building had fallen in on itself, and another small building had moved damaging a tent next to it, possible electrical lines down.  They had me at 'overturned porta-potties' - Kathy and I decided to fall back to Plan B.  We drove back to the hotel (about 10 minutes) and had breakfast to discuss what Plan B would be.  To be continued ...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Key Quiz

 To differentiate the keys needed for various things, I ordered colorful key holders w/ the name of the thing they unlock embroidered on them.  Usually though there are two keys: in case something happens to the original or there are two people that want to have a key.  For the backup keys, I picked up key holders w/ the symbols for the given name.  Try matching the outside embroidered keyholders to the correct middle four keyholders w/ the symbol for that name.  See how much Norse mythology you know.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Thistle 'tree'


Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:

4:34 a.m. - Another county sheriff's office requests mutual aid for intoxicated male who is threatening to kill campers at lake campground.  Callers state male keeps reaching behind his back and claims to have a gun.  Campers trying to deescalate the situation but male is not calming down.  They believe he has a .22 pistol.  Suspect in custody.

6:38 a.m. - Call from ER regarding male there to be seen.  Male has an issue with his foot and was upset with the treatment prescribed.  Male left the facility in a wheelchair wearing jeans and a navy-colored shirt.  Wheelchair belongs to the facility and they would like it back.  Male is leaving parking lot with the wheelchair.  Male has a warrant, en route to jail.

7:42 a.m. - Officer states pop-up camper at municipal park.  Spoke with subject who packed up his things and moved on.

10:55 a.m. - Caller upset with her boyfriend because he keeps losing the keys for the house and not locking the door.  Caller is concerned that someone could come into the house and steal all of their stuff.  Caller was told this is not a law enforcement issue and she would have to work out these issues with her boyfriend.

12:46 p.m. - Female wants to show officer her fingertips, believes finger prints are being grated off with a cheese grater.

2:06 p.m. - Person requests deputy to stand by during property exchange.  Picking up seven pigs.  Pigs loaded into trailer, but vehicle hitch broke due to rust and can't tow trailer.  Caller is looking for alternative, lives eight hours away.

2:16 p.m. - Caller states they went to boat landing and there is a male there with a blue car with trailer covered with a blue tarp blocking the boat landing.  Caller approached the vehicle and male came out from under tarp.  Persons in car claim not camping but have been there for several days arriving in the morning.  They were celebrating 20 years of marriage.

3:10 p.m. - Caller reports dad sold hay that isn't his.  Will fill out and return statement form.  Incident report pending.

4:04 p.m. - The stop sign and post that had the signs for Norwegian Road and Singer Road was stolen.  Appears it was taken prior after last heavy rainfall and was pulled out by a vehicle.  No "signs" of any of the components.  Township contacted.  They will be replacing the sign.  

6:25 p.m. - Per caller there is a male in the building that has been harassing her.  She will be outside waiting to talk to officer.  States that a male called her names.  Officer advised calling someone names is not a crime and that she would need to go to Law Enforcement Center to request a police report.  Officer recommended she stay away from male and get a restraining order if she thinks it's necessary.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Arrowwood berries

I love a good experiment as much as I love a spreadsheet.  One experiment I'm currently running concerns the annual autumnal problem of flies in Mjolnir.  Occasionally flies get into the other buildings but never reach the netherworld purgatory of hundreds of flies in Mjolnir's apartment.  I could almost believe that  portion of the building was built over a fly cemetery.  My working hypothesis currently is that the flies are making it through the seal around the outside door.  Once my summer guests had vacated the apartment, I shut the windows and left the drapes and screens in place.   I took the drape off the outside door's window and applied two fly strips to the inside of the window.  I don't enter that building often and usually leave it locked.  Went in again on August 20th.  There were 24 flies stuck to the strips.  The next time I went in was August 24th.   49 flies stuck and two flying around.  I applied two more strips to the windows.   Needed to put something away again today.  Was shocked.  There were 174 flies stuck to the window strips and one fly buzzing around.  I added the last sticky strip I had out there to the window.  Next time I go in I'll take a new bunch of sticky strips and remove the ones currently on the window (they are rather full anyway).  If this trend continues I think I'm correct - it's the door's seal that is the issue.  That I can probably fix.  Figuring out why the apartment attracts so many flies can then be next year's experiment.  I have ideas on that - some are even scientific and not out of the Twilight Zone.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 The State Fair began late this week.  Friend Kathy and I will meet up and go next week.  We checked the new foods of course.  She is excited about deep fried ranch dressing with a side of hot honey.  Interesting.  Exotic food for me is falafels or potato skins.   With all of the other stuff we eat while there (berry milk shakes, pronto pups, cream puffs, etc.) I try to take it easy on my stomach.  I usually pick up a new piece of outside furniture and a rock while I'm there so have a plan on what to get.  Still have to call my credit card company and let them know I'll be 'traveling'.    Using my credit card at various Fair businesses often looks like I'm in one state and within minutes I'm in another to a computer system.  Took in my piggy banks and got $125 to use at the Fair.  Checked w/ Neighbor Doug who agreed to look in on the dog and cats while I'm gone.  Now just have to figure out what shoes to wear - need something durable, comfy, and preferable well broken in.

Hay Bales at dawn


Was mooching a cup of coffee off Anita when I remembered that I wanted to make a new trail.  A back 40 has more trees taking root and it's better to make a trail now before the path is forced to weave between trees.   This is however not the time of year to be cutting new trails since the tall grass is at it's max height and taking Svaldilfari through it would be tough going.  Instead I whistled for Whip and we jumped in Jormungandr and drove out to a back 40 and I pushed through laying the grass down.  Turns out Jormungandr can go through most anything just in 2-wheel drive.  We drove along one fence line and then through a low area.  It's dry this time of year but would be a problem when wet.  Will have to skirt around it on higher ground.  Then followed along another fence line until the highway was in view.  Turned back toward home and met up w/ an existing path - making a big square.   Best part of the trip to me was finding an apple tree w/ ripe apples and swamp milkweed pods.  I took one opening pod home w/ me to plant nearby and an apple for a snack.    I'll keep running my new trail through the fall.  Next spring I'll mow it when the grass is beginning to grow - just have to figure out a way to get the mower over on that side of the slough.