Sunday, March 16, 2025


I attended this month's Town Board Meeting for two reasons: (1) the April 1st election was on the agenda so I wanted to be there if they had any questions or if there were any changes and (2) I would be getting paid for working the primary election last month and it would save the treasurer the cost of a stamp.  Though not on the agenda, the Town Board allowed the school board chairman and the school's maintenance person to give a presentation about the two referenda on the next ballot.  I'd heard she was hitting every town board meeting she could this month in order to get the word out to vote for the school.  After the presentation the meeting continued w/ the next item on the agenda "Correspondence".   The village had begun it's own garbage pickup service last year and sent a letter now asking to expand it into a small portion of the town roads that are next to the village.  I brightened up and the town chairman must have noticed.  "Yeah, Susan, I thought you'd like that part."  Their rates are lower than any of the other pickup services, it's managed through the Village Hall, and rates are the same for everybody.  The board likes the idea since the village uses smaller trucks than the other garbage haulers so wouldn't damage the roads as much.  Maybe they would consider someday doing the entire town?  That got the Board griping that there had been sightings of the current garbage haulers driving town roads during the weight bans.  The meeting ended on a happy note.  This year the town is 125 years old.  Will probably have a celebration at the Town Annual Meeting w/ cake and punch and photos of the town through the ages.  I haven't been successful in getting the 4H nor the school art program in motivating kids to take pictures the town can add (and therefore publicize) the Town Website.  Maybe the celebration is an opportunity?

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