Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ice Bubbles in a Vernal Pond


Had a lid I that needed cleaning but didn't know how to.  Yoda Brent's words wafted back to me, "YouTube for that there is."  Sure enough there was - just a shot of someone's hands while a disembodied voice explained each step.  Worked perfectly once I knew what tools to use and what sequence to use them.

I was hanging rugs out on the line to dry this morning when I heard Sandhill Cranes calling.  Later in the morning I'd swear I heard Canadian Geese.  The silence of winter is giving way to noisy spring.

Still not watching the TV news.  I tried to again but there were threats flying back and forth, countries arming themselves, the stock market falling.  Went back to getting my news from TMZ where it's all foolish gossip but they freely admit it and laugh about it.

Leveled up again in Words w/ Friends.  I'm in the Epic Book section and this time the book is the Mahabharata.  I'd tried to read it once before while I was at Honeywell but after a couple of weeks realized it needed more concentration that I could give it and still work.  This time the library copy I chose is heavily illustrated so - similar to a graphic novel - if I don't finish reading it all at least I can look at the pictures.

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