Tuesday, March 18, 2025

First Red-Winged Blackbird

 Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:

1:05 a.m. - Deputy observed vehicle crossing center line.  Deputy initiated traffic stop.  Driver arrested for bail jumping, possessing THC, possessing counterfeit phencyclidine/methamphetamines, operating with restricted controlled substance in blood (5th offence), resisting an officer, disorderly conduct intimidation, possession of drug paraphernalia.

 2:03 a.m. - Life 360 reported a crash detection.  Call to individual advised everything is OK.  Deputy located vehicle 25 yards off the road.  It struck a tree, no occupants, good amount of blood on the air bag.  Deputy followed blood trail and foot prints to where driver was picked up.  Driver had a decent cut on nose - believes it might be broken.  Denied EMS multiple times.  Driver admitted to taking the corner too fast and losing control.  She states she lied to dispatch because she didn't want to wake everyone in the house.  She plans to remove vehicle.

9:35 a.m. - Caller to 911 asking very strange questions and provided strange information such as "having children and wants to know if they're on file."  Questions attempted by dispatch received odd responses.  Caller was told to call back on the non-emergency line.  Has not called back.

10:16 a.m. - Traffic stop on a vehicle driving left of center.  Elderly driver stated he was taking advantage of the sand down the middle of the road.  Deputy states road was somewhat icy but not a danger at the speed he was driving.  Deputy had to pull off the road when they went by.  Passenger yelled at deputy saying "Come on now I have a doctor's appointment!"  Verbal warning for operating left of center.

10:44 a.m. - Caller states neighbor on opposite side of road is pushing snow from his driveway across the road and into ditch on their property.  Deputy informed caller that there is no state statue that prohibits this unless snow is left on roadway.

10:57 a.m. - Caller states the residence is owned by her but a male has been residing there and she lives elsewhere.  She was evicted from where she was staying and wants to live at the residence she owns.  She wants male living there to leave.  There is a no contact order between them.  Caller advised that law enforcement can't kick him out and she will have to go through the eviction process to have him removed.  Caller given info for emergency places to stay.

1:54 p.m. - Complainant states they sold a vehicle and the new owner didn't re-register it.  Now complainant is being fined for tolls on that vehicle.  The buyer, a known individual to the seller, has sent some money to pay for the tolls but not all.  Buyer has since blocked complainant.  Complainant was advised to contact the toll agency to explain situation and to cancel the plates through the DMV.

4:06 p.m. - Caller reports something is stopping traffic at intersection.  A car being towed by a driver who admitted taking back roads due to having a revoked driver license and no insurance.  In transit the brakes failed.  They jack-knifed and the vehicle on the car dolly came off.  With help from Good Samaritan the vehicle was loaded back on dolly.  Driver failed field sobriety test and was taken into custody.

4:28 p.m. - Caller states someone hit his mailbox and left a dead animal inside the mailbox.  Deputy inspected - mailbox post is bent/broken but mailbox is still attached.  The dead animal is a taxidermied fisher or something similar.  Photos taken.    Caller was informed that it would be difficult to figure out who did it without a witness or camera footage.  Caller states he will be installing a camera.  Caller wants this incident recorded for information.

9:54 p.m. - Caller reports all street lights from the park to the Church of Christ are out.  Officer advised street lights are all operational except for the light by the caller's address.

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