Sunday, March 23, 2025

Another Sign of Spring - more snow

Finally started my taxes.  It's on my things-to-do-by-month spreadsheet as a February activity but I couldn't seem to get motivated.  Strangely, it was a call from the Town Chairman that finally provided the impetus.  Chairman Steve asked me to work on a special project for the town that needs to be finished by mid April.  I figured he'd probably called around to a few people already and no one was interested in working on it. ... so I agreed.  I thought about it for awhile.  Realized I didn't have a clue on what to do.  Figured I'd better get anything else that needed getting done early before I had to figure this project out.  That includes taxes.  Downloaded the tax forms.  Checked the internet to find out if I should take a tax credit for the down payment on the solar panels I made last year (answer is 'No, take the entire cost off in the year the system goes live').  Got the forms together and have made a first sweep through all of the items.  I saw from my notes that I did the same thing last year - planned on doing them in February, did them in March, and sent them in April.  Will see if I can better that by sending them out before the end of the month this time.

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