Monday, December 02, 2024



Gun Deer season is over.  Whip's orange vest and my orange windbreaker can be put away for another year. This morning I watched two does slowly make their way across the meadow and move in the direction of the swamp.   After I lost sight of them a buck came out of the woods and into the meadow.  He carefully looked all around and sniffed the air.  Satisfied he moved off in the direction of the does (guess the rut isn't over yet).  Tonight a doe w/ her two fawns came out of the woods to graze along my paths (plants are more tender there).  It's been below zero all day for over a week now so the daily powdering of snow is finally beginning to accumulate (still less than an inch).   Enough snow though so that I can see where the deer dance across my driveway during the night.   Neighbor Pfeil stopped by to talk.  We decided on what to do about the fence between our properties.   He also said his hunting party got three deer this season.    I like knowing some deer will still be around.

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