Saturday, August 03, 2024

Hop Clover

Storm was coming in as Svengoolie started his show.  Tonight it was 'The Cult of the Cobra'.  I'd seen it before or thought I had.  I didn't remember how it ended.  More than likely when I'd seen it before I'd fallen asleep before the end.  It's interesting mostly to watch a lot of young actors who went on to star in TV series: Richard Long (later starring in The Big Valley), David Janssen (The Fugitive), Jack Kelly (Maverick), Marshall Thompson (Daktari), and even Edward Platt of Get Smart fame.  The show is from 1955 and filmed in black & white.  Not exactly scary though the lightning and thunder outside set a mood.  Afterward I found something really horrifying.  Phil & Brent had set up the new room divider in the living room and I thought the cats were OK w/ it.  Maybe it was the smell of the poly that set them off.  Anyway, I'm washing rugs right now.

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