Monday, August 12, 2024

Bald Eagles

Prep day for the election.  Usually Chief Inspector Barb and I set up the Town Hall for the election when we do the Public Test.  This time the town clerk had warned us that there would be a town board meeting in between our setup and the election.  So we did everything but set out the paperwork.   Not that we didn't trust our town board members - after all the town clerk who is in charge of elections would be at the meeting also - but so they wouldn't have to move our papers.  I went to the Town Hall this morning to finish setup.   Put all of the observer documentation on two chairs we had placed together next to a wall.  We've never had observers come but if they do, we have a place for them and the paperwork they need to fill out in order to sit and observe the proceedings.  At each of the check-in desks I put a pen, the 'naughty' list and a pad of peel-and-stick numbers.  At a side table where people can register I placed a bunch of forms, a laminated list of what you must be in order to vote (18, citizen, area resident, etc.) and what kind of ID's we will accept.  On the back table I arranged the instructions on how to start the machine on election day, different envelopes for spoiled ballots, absentee envelopes, provisional envelopes and forms, tally sheets, inspectors report, and the list of what needs to be returned to the county after the election is done.  The ballots, poll books, security lock list, and access codes to the machine I left in the town hall's locked fire-safe room.   Before I left I texted the town clerk and asked if she would be leaving off the list of voters she sent absentee ballots.    Municipal clerks often keep the absentee list until just before the election if they still are waiting on outstanding absentee ballots.  Now it's just getting snacks together, setting out my clothes for tomorrow, and going to bed early.

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